
光端焊接精密鋼管 交貨技術條件 ISO 3305 - 1985


  This International Standard specifies the technical conditions for delivery of welded tubes with plain ends, manufactured from the grades of steel shown in table 2, with precision dimensional tolerances and in those dimensions shown in table 9 which have been selected from IS0 4200.

  Tubes in accordance with this International Standard are used mainly for purposes where importance attaches to dimensional accuracy and, if required, small thicknesses and surface finish.

  If such tubes are intended for use in hydraulic piping equip-ment, they shall be used only in the annealed or normalized delivery condition.

  規定了管材的技術條件。 列出了化學成分和機械性能以及尺寸範圍從 4 mm到160 mm(外徑)和測試。用于液壓管道設備時,它們隻能在退火或正火狀态下使用。


  1985年 ISO 3305:1985 光端焊接精密鋼管 交貨技術條件

  1976年 ISO 3305:1976 平頭焊接精密鋼管 交貨技術條件

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