
100°開槽沉頭螺釘 GJB 3372 (/36~/44) - 1998

選擇規格尺寸 點擊↓







GJB  3372 (/36~/44) - 1998 100°開槽沉頭螺釘

尺寸單位: mm
軍标GJB 3372 (/36~/44) - 1998 GJB3372 3372 100°開槽沉頭螺釘
GJB  3372 (/36~/44) - 1998 100°開槽沉頭螺釘
千件重及價格計算 千件重 : kg x 元/kg = 元/千件
默認密度 g/cm3
公稱長度L 注:選擇後獲得 相應重量
M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10
H 參考
h 最小值
D 參考
D1 最小值
D2 供卡規設計用
r 最大值=公稱
P2 最大值=公稱
b 最小值=公稱
t 最小值=公稱
1.26 1.68 2.11 2.53 3.38 4.23
0.06 0.08 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
6 8 10 12 16 20
5.4 7.2 9 10.8 14.8 18.8
4.5 5.78 7.71 9 12.21 15.43
0.63 0.93 0.96 1.26 1.6 1.93
0.43 0.73 0.76 1.06 1.4 1.73
0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.8
0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6
0.8 1 1.2 1.5 1.5 2
0.9 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.6 2.1
0.8 1 1 1.5 2 2.5
1.05 1.25 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75
- - - - - -


GJB 3372/36
GJB 3372/37
GJB 3372/38
GJB 3372/39
GJB 3372/40
GJB 3372/41
GJB 3372/42
GJB 3372/43
GJB 3372/44
限用直徑/mm 材料 熱處理MPa /
1.6~10 ML25 鍍鋅鈍化 GJB 3372/36 M6×36
4~10 38CrA σb=900~1100MPa
d≤M8 鍍鋅鈍化,d=M10 鍍镉鈍化
GJB 3372/37 M6×36
4~10 30CrMnSiA σb=1100~1280MPa
d≤M8 鍍鋅鈍化,d=M10 鍍镉鈍化
GJB 3372/38 M6×36
2~10 1Cr17Ni2 d≥M4, σb=1100~1280MPa
GJB 3372/39 M6×36
5~10 GH 2132 σb≥900 GJB 3372/40 M6×36
1.6~3 1Cr18Ni9Ti / GJB 3372/41 M6×36
3~10 LY8 σb≥375
GJB 3372/42 M6×36
1.6~6 H62 鈍化 GJB 3372/43 M6×36
1.6~6 H62 防磁 鈍化 GJB 3372/44 M6×36
1 開槽沉頭螺釘 [國标]
GB /T 68 - 2016
Slotted Countersunk Flat Head Screws
2 開槽沉頭螺釘 [國标]
GB /T 68 - 2000
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws (Commen Head Style)
3 開槽沉頭螺釘 [國标]
GB 68 - 1985
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws
4 開槽沉頭不脫出螺釘 [國标]
GB 948 - 1988
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws with Waisted Shank
5 米制開槽沉頭機械螺釘  Table 2 [美标]
IFI 513 - 1982
米制開槽沉頭機械螺釘 Table 2
Metric Slotted Flat Countersunk Head Machine Screws
6 開槽沉頭螺釘 [德标]
DIN 963 - 1990
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws
7 鋼結構用帶六角螺母的開槽沉頭螺栓 [德标]
DIN 7969 - 2017
Slotted countersunk head bolts with hexagon nut for steel structures
8 鋼結構用帶六角螺母的開槽沉頭螺栓 [德标]
DIN 7969 - 1989
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws for Structural Steel Bolting for Supply With or Without Nuts
9 開槽沉頭(平頭)螺釘 - 适用于精密機械;M0.4至M1.4 [德标]
DIN 8245 - 1972
開槽沉頭(平頭)螺釘 - 适用于精密機械;M0.4至M1.4
Slotted Countersunk (Flat) Head Screws for Fine Mechanics; M 0.4 to M 1.4
10 開槽沉頭螺釘(通用頭型) - 產品等級A級 [國際]
ISO 2009 - 2011
開槽沉頭螺釘(通用頭型) - 產品等級A級
Slotted Countersunk Flat Head Screws (Common Head Style) - Product Grade A
11 開槽沉頭螺釘(通用頭型) - 產品等級A級 [國際]
ISO 2009 - 1994
開槽沉頭螺釘(通用頭型) - 產品等級A級
Slotted Countersunk Flat Head Screws (common Head Style) - Product Grade A
12 精密機械用開槽沉頭螺釘 [日标]
JIS B 1116 - 2009
Slotting Countersunk Head Screws for Fine Mechanics
13 開槽沉頭螺釘 表8 [日标]
JIS B 1101 (T8) - 2017
開槽沉頭螺釘 表8
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws - Table 8
14 開槽沉頭螺釘 附表JA.4 [日标]
JIS B 1101 (JA4) - 2017
開槽沉頭螺釘 附表JA.4
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws - Table JA.4
15 開槽沉頭螺釘 附表2 [Annex Attached Table 2] [日标]
JIS B 1101 (AAT2) - 1996
開槽沉頭螺釘 附表2 [Annex Attached Table 2]
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws [Annex Attached Table 2]
16 開槽沉頭螺釘 表3 [Attached Table 3] [日标]
JIS B 1101 (AT3) - 1996
開槽沉頭螺釘 表3 [Attached Table 3]
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws [Attached Table 3]
17 開槽沉頭螺栓 (精制) [Table 1-1] [日标]
JIS B 1179 (T1-1) - 1994
開槽沉頭螺栓 (精制) [Table 1-1]
Slotted Flat Head Bolts, Fine Finished [Table 1-1]
18 開槽沉頭螺栓  (粗制)[Table 1-2] [日标]
JIS B 1179 (T1-2) - 1994
開槽沉頭螺栓 (粗制)[Table 1-2]
Slotted Flat Head Bolts, Rough Finished [Table 1-2]
19 米制開槽沉頭螺釘Table2 [美标]
ASME/ANSI B 18.6.7M - 1998
Metric soltted countersunk screws
20 80°開槽沉頭螺釘Table1 [美标]
ASME/ANSI B 18.6.3 - 2010
80° Slotted flat countersunk head machine screws
21 100°開槽沉頭螺釘Table3 [美标]
ASME/ANSI B 18.6.3 - 2010
Slotted 100 deg flat countersunk head screws (machine screws only)
22 緊公差100°開槽沉頭螺釘Table5 [美标]
ASME/ANSI B 18.6.3 - 2010
Close Tolerance 100 Degree Slotted Countersunk Head Screws
23 80°開槽沉頭清根螺釘Table9 [美标]
ASME/ANSI B 18.6.3 - 2010
80° Slotted undercut 82-deg flat countersunk head machine screws
24 開槽沉頭螺釘 [Table 1] (A307, SAE J429, F468, F593) [美标]
ASME/ANSI B 18.6.2 (T1) - 1998 (R2010)
開槽沉頭螺釘 [Table 1] (A307, SAE J429, F468, F593)
Slotted Flat Countersunk Head Cap Screws [Table 1] (A307, SAE J429, F468, F593)
25 開槽100°沉頭小螺釘 [Table 3] [美标]
ASME/ANSI B 18.11 - 1961 (R1983)
開槽100°沉頭小螺釘 [Table 3]
Slotted 100°flat head miniature screws
26 開槽沉頭螺釘 [意大利]
UNI 6109
Slotted countersunk flat head screws
27 開槽沉頭螺釘 [法國]
NF E 25-123 - 1994
Slotted Countersunk Flat Head Screws - Product Grade A
28 鐵路車輛 沉頭側切口機械螺釘 [法國]
NF F 03-004 (F) - 1983
鐵路車輛 沉頭側切口機械螺釘
Railway rolling stock Grade A Countersunk notched head machine
29 鐵路車輛 開槽沉頭螺釘/螺母 A級 符号FP [法國]
NF F 03-016 - 1983
鐵路車輛 開槽沉頭螺釘/螺母 A級 符号FP
Railway rolling stock Grade A Slotted countersunk head screws nuts Symbol FP
30 開槽沉頭螺釘(短的)Table 6 [英标]
BS 1981 - 1991
開槽沉頭螺釘(短的)Table 6
Slotted Truncated Countersunk Head Screws: Short Length
31 開槽沉頭螺釘Table4 [英标]
BS 1981 - 1991
Slotted Countersunk Flat Head Screws
32 開槽沉頭機械螺釘 [英标]
BS 4183 (T2) - 1967
Slotted countersunk head machine screws. Metric series
33 英制開槽沉頭螺釘 - B.S.W. & B.S.F. 螺紋 [Table 2] [英标]
BS 450 - 1958
英制開槽沉頭螺釘 - B.S.W. & B.S.F. 螺紋 [Table 2]
Slotted 90°Countersunk Head Screws with B.S.W. & B.S.F. Threads [Table 2]
34 米制開槽沉頭螺釘 [Table 1] [澳标]
AS /NZS 1427 - 1996
米制開槽沉頭螺釘 [Table 1]
ISO Metric Slotted Countersunk Head Screws [Table 1]
35 精密機械用開槽沉頭螺釘 [台灣]
CNS 9678 - 1982
Slotted Countersunk Screws for Fine Mechanics
36 開槽沉頭螺釘 [台灣]
CNS 4411 - 1981
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws
37 開槽沉頭螺栓 [台灣]
CNS 4420 - 1981
Slotted Countersunk Head Bolts
38 精密用開槽沉頭螺釘 M0.4~M1.4 [台灣]
CNS 4363 - 1980
精密用開槽沉頭螺釘 M0.4~M1.4
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws for Fine Mechanics
39 開槽沉頭螺釘 A級和B級 [俄标]
GOST 17475 - 1980
開槽沉頭螺釘 A級和B級
Countersunk head screws of accuracy classes A and B(Slotted)
40 開槽沉頭螺釘【Table 5】 [韓标]
KS B 1021 (T5) - 2012 (R2022)
開槽沉頭螺釘【Table 5】
Slotted Countersunk Flat Head Screws【Table 5】
41 開槽沉頭螺釘(通用頭型) A級 [德标]
DIN EN ISO 2009 - 2011
開槽沉頭螺釘(通用頭型) A級
Slotted Countersunk Flat Head Screws(Common Head Style)-Product Grade A
42 光杆公差帶f9 100°沉頭螺栓 [軍标]
GJB 3371 (/61) - 1998
光杆公差帶f9 100°沉頭螺栓
100° Countersunk Head Bolts,Shank Tolerance f9
43 100°沉頭不脫出螺釘 [軍标]
GJB 3372 (/56) - 1998
Slotted 100 deg flat countersunk head screws, Waisted shank
44 開槽沉頭螺釘(通用頭型) - 產品等級A級 [印标]
IS 1365 - 2005
開槽沉頭螺釘(通用頭型) - 產品等級A級
Slotted Countersunk Flat Head Screws (common Head Style) - Product Grade A
45 開槽100°沉頭小螺釘 [Table 3] (A276, B16, B151) [美标]
ANSI B 18.11 - 1961 (R2017)
開槽100°沉頭小螺釘 [Table 3] (A276, B16, B151)
Slotted 100°Flat Head Miniature Screws [Table 3] (A276, B16, B151)
46 82°開槽沉頭機械螺釘 (ASTM F837/F468) [TABLE 2.2.1-1] [美标]
ASME B 18.6.3 (H1A) - 2024
82°開槽沉頭機械螺釘 (ASTM F837/F468) [TABLE 2.2.1-1]
82° Slotted Flat Countersunk Head Machine Screws (ASTM F837/F468) [TABLE 2.2.1-1]
47 100°沉頭開槽機械螺釘 (ASTM F837/F468) [TABLE 2.2.1-3] [美标]
ASME B 18.6.3 (H1C) - 2024
100°沉頭開槽機械螺釘 (ASTM F837/F468) [TABLE 2.2.1-3]
Slotted 100-deg Flat Countersunk Head Screws (ASTM F837/F468) [TABLE 2.2.1-3]
48 精密100°沉頭開槽機械螺釘 (ASTM F837/F468) [TABLE 2.2.1-5] [美标]
ASME B 18.6.3 (H1E) - 2024
精密100°沉頭開槽機械螺釘 (ASTM F837/F468) [TABLE 2.2.1-5]
Slotted Close Tolerance 100-deg Flat Countersunk Head Screws (ASTM F837/F468) [TABLE 2.2.1-5]
49 開槽82°沉頭清根機械螺釘 (ASTM F837/F468)  [TABLE 2.2.3-1] [美标]
ASME B 18.6.3 (H3A) - 2024
開槽82°沉頭清根機械螺釘 (ASTM F837/F468) [TABLE 2.2.3-1]
Slotted Undercut 82-deg Flat Countersunk Head Machine Screws (ASTM F837/F468) [TABLE 2.2.3-1]
50 82°開槽沉頭機械螺釘  [Table 1] (ASTM F837 / F468) [美标]
ASME B 18.6.3 (T1) - 2013
82°開槽沉頭機械螺釘 [Table 1] (ASTM F837 / F468)
82° Slotted Flat Countersunk Head Machine Screws [Table 1] (ASTM F837 / F468)
51 100°沉頭開槽機械螺釘 [Table 3] (ASTM F837 / F468) [美标]
ASME B 18.6.3 (T3) - 2013
100°沉頭開槽機械螺釘 [Table 3] (ASTM F837 / F468)
Dimensions of Slotted 100-deg Flat Countersunk Head Screws [Table 3] (ASTM F837 / F468)
52 開槽精密100°沉頭機械螺釘 [Table 5] (ASTM F837 / F468) [美标]
ASME B 18.6.3 (T5) - 2013
開槽精密100°沉頭機械螺釘 [Table 5] (ASTM F837 / F468)
Dimensions of Slotted Close Tolerance 100-deg Flat Countersunk Head Screws (Machine Screws Only) (ASTM F837 / F468)
53 開槽82°沉頭清根機械螺釘 [ Table 9 ] (ASTM F837 / F468) [美标]
ASME B 18.6.3 (T9) - 2013
開槽82°沉頭清根機械螺釘 [ Table 9 ] (ASTM F837 / F468)
Slotted Undercut 82-deg Flat Countersunk Head machine Screws (ASTM F837 / F468)
54 開槽沉頭螺栓 [航天]
QJ 2370 - 1992
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws
55 開槽沉頭螺釘 [航天]
QJ 2373 - 1992
Slotted Countersunk Head Screws
56 100°開槽沉頭螺釘 [航空]
HB 7187~7195 - 1995
100° Countersunk Head Bolts
57 100°開槽沉頭螺釘 [航空]
HB 7208~7216 - 1995
Slotted 100 deg flat countersunk head screws
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