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首頁 Avdel® 7287 Tool
Avdel® 7287 Tool
Avdel® 7287 Tool
聯系人 郭曉江
電話 18121409959
email 18121409959@163.com
Fast Facts:

Places lockbolt and breakstem fasteners at high speed.

Can pull large rivets in a single stroke.

Can pull a wide range of rivets reducing the number of tools needed.

Quick cycle time 40% less than many competing tools.

Lightweight to reduce operator fatigue.

Long hose to give line side flexibility.


Extended Stroke: 29 mm

Cycle Time: 1.7 sec

Weight: under 2.5 kg

Pull Force: 32.4 kN at 5.5 bar

Push Off Force: 8.5 kN at 5.5 bar

Noise Level: <75 dB(A)

Vibration: Less than 2.5 m/s2

Hose Length: 3 m

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