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Peel strength (Unit N) 剥离强度(单位:N) (peel test) The strength of an adhesive bond between two materials as measured by the force required in a given direction to peel apart adhered strips. This force depends on the dimensions and thickness of the adhered strips and their yield stress, together with the fracture toughness of the bond.
Turbo generator 涡轮发电机 (turboset) The combination of a steam or gas turbine and an electrical generator with a single shaft or connected coaxial shafts.
Acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度 (acceleration of free fall, gravitational acceleration, g) (Unit m/s²) The acceleration of a freely-falling body in a vacuum, with a mean value at sea level of approximately 9.81 m/s².
Bearing strength 承载强度 The maximum bearing stress that a material is capable of sustaining.
Crest clearance (Unit m) 顶隙(单位米) For screw threads and gearing, the radial clearance between the crest of a thread (or gear) and the root of the engaging thread (or gear).
Fatigue 疲劳 The phenomenon leading to fracture under repeated or fluctuating stresses having a maximum value less than the ultimate tensile strength of the material. Fatigue failure generally occurs at loads that, applied statically, would produce little perceptible effect. Fatigue fractures are progressive, beginning as minute cracks that grow under the action of the fluctuating stress. A term referring, in components and structures subjected to either random or cyclic periodically-varying loads, to a progressive reduction in strength leading to failure at stresses lower than those that cause failure under monotonic loading. Variable loads arise from outof-balance machinery and other vibration sources, wind gusts, etc., and a large proportion of service failures is caused by fatigue. Fatigue results from the initiation and slow propagation of cracks. In manufactured components, crack initiation usually occurs at a point of stress concentration. After a period, often of millions of stress cycles, the crack reaches a critical length at which the next peak load causes sudden brittle or ductile fracture. Fracture surfaces resulting from fatigue display characteristic striations or progression marks emanating from the crack initiation site during the slow crack growth period, with a different surface appearance for the final fracture.
Nominal size 公称尺寸 The intended size of a component. The actual size will depend on manufacturing tolerances.
Cooling curve 冷却曲线 A curve showing the relation between time and temperature during the cooling of a material.
Controlled cooling 控制冷却 Cooling from an elevated temperature in a predetermined manner, to avoid hardening, cracking, or internal damage, or to produce desired microstructure or mechanical properties.
Austenite finish temperature (Af) 奥氏体完成温度(Af) Temperature at which the transformation of martensite into austenite completes upon heating. The same designation is also applied to nonferrous alloys in which martensite transforms into some parent phase.
Resistance thermometer 电阻温度计 A thermometer in which the sensing element is basically a metal wire, usually of platinum, for which the variation of resistance with temperature is known accurately. A resistance pyrometer is a resistance thermometer intended for use up to about 1 000°C.
Energy losses (Unit kJ) 能量损失(单位kJ) A commonly-used misnomer in view of the conservation-ofenergy principle, but used to mean energy converted into forms that are not used in a process, for example thermal energy from a heat engine dissipated to the surroundings, or produced by friction in a machine, or by surface drag.
Rockwell hardness test 洛氏硬度测试 An indentation-hardness test using a calibrated machine that utilizes the depth of indentation, under constant load, as a measure of hardness. A direct-reading hardness test based on depth of indentation, in which a minor load (typically 30 to 100 N) is applied before the major load (typically 120 to 1 500 N). There are different scales using conical or spherical indenters for different ranges of hardness. An indentation hardness test based on the depth of penetration of a specified penetrator into the specimen under certain arbitrarily fixed conditions.
Allowable stress 许用应力 The maximum stress a designer can assume that the parts will stand. It is always less than the minimum strength of the material. For example, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code typically specifies an allowable stress that is one-quarter of the service temperature yield strength of the material. This introduces a four-to-one safety factor into the design process and is intended to compensate for uncertainties in estimates of strength, service loads, etc.
Bond strength (Unit Pa) 结合强度(单位Pa) The tensile, compressive or shear stress at which joints fail, e.g. by fracture or excessive deformation.
Eccentric load 偏心载荷 The external load on a fastener or groups of fasteners is said to be eccentric if the resultant of that load does not pass through the centroid of the group of fasteners (eccentric shear load ) or does not coincide with the bolt axis (eccentric tensile load ).
International Practical Temperature Scale (IPTS) 国际实用温标(IPTS) A close approximation to the thermodynamic temperature scale based upon the triple points of hydrogen (13.8 K), neon (24.6 K), oxygen (54.4 K), argon (83.8 K), mercury (234.3 K), and water (273.2 K); the melting point of gallium (302.9 K); and the freezing points of indium (429.7 K), tin (505.1 K), zinc (692.7 K), aluminium (933.5 K), silver (1 234.9 K), gold (1 337.3 K), and copper (1
Fine pitch 细牙螺纹 Fine pitch threads are often used within the automotive industry. They are more easily tapped into harder materials and have less tendency to loosen.
Caterpillar 毛虫式履带 (crawler vehicle) A vehicle that ‘lays its own road’ by running on endless belts, driven by toothed wheels, on each side. Used on soft ground where spreading of the load reduces contact stress.
Teeth 齿 The projecting elements on gears, cutting tools, etc.
Assembly drawing 装配图纸 An engineering drawing that shows how parts are assembled to produce a component or a complete machine. It may include sections to show internal features, dimensions that are critical for assembly, manufacturing information, and part numbers.
T-bolt T型螺栓 A threaded bolt having a square or rectangular end which fits into the T slot of a machine table for clamping workpieces.
Radiator 散热器 A heat exchanger used to transfer thermal energy from one fluid to another for heating or cooling purposes. Despite the name, the principal mode of heat transfer is convection rather than radiation. In motor vehicles, water circulated through the engine block is cooled as it flows through the tubes of an air-cooled heat exchanger. In domestic radiators, hot water from a boiler is circulated through a heat exchanger with a large surface area which transfers heat to the surrounding air.
Load and resistance factor design 负载和阻力系数设计 A design procedure developed for the AISC by the Research Council on Structural Connections. Assigns uncertainties in the strength of (i.e., resistance of) and in the service loads to be placed on a shear joint to estimate the probable strength of the joint. It is a recently defined alternative to the Allowable stress design procedure.
Oldham coupling 十字联轴节 (double-slider coupling) A device for connecting a pair of misaligned parallel shafts, on the end of each of which are flanges having diametral tenons (tongues) that engage with matching slots spaced at 90° in an intermediate disc. As the coupling rotates, the disc compensates for shaft offset by sliding along each tenon in turn. Low-friction surfaces are requisite and the disc is often made of a polymer. An alternative arrangement has the slots in the flanges and the tenons on the disc.
Ideal gas laws 理想气体定律 The law relating pressure, temperature and volume of an ideal (perfect) gas pV = mRT, where R is the gas constant. The law implies that at constant temperature T, the product of pressure p and volume V is constant (Boyle’s law), and at constant pressure, the volume is proportional to the temperature (Charles’ law).
Combustible 易燃 (inflammable) A term for substances that can be ignited and burned.
Absorber 吸收器 1. An auxiliary vibratory system that favourably modifies the vibration characteristics of a main system. 2. Part of an absorption refrigeration system in which the refrigerant is absorbed by a transport medium. 3. The absorber plate is the receiver of a concentrating solar collector where the radiation is absorbed.
Tangential load (Unit N) 切向荷载(单位:N) The component of load applied to an object, such as a gear, that tends to cause or resist rotation.
Intergranular fracture 沿晶破裂 Brittle fracture of a metal in which the fracture is between the grains, or crystals, that form the metal. Also called intercrystalline fracture.
Zero time 零时 The time when the given loading or constraint conditions are initially obtained in creep or stressrelaxation tests, respectively.
Diffusion coating 扩散涂层 Coating on metal for corrosion- and/or oxidation-resistance. Coatings are produced by heating a metal in contact with an alloy in powder, liquid, or gaseous form at elevated temperature such that atoms of the coating diffuse into the substrate. Examples include chromium, aluminium, or silicon on substrates such as nickel-based superalloys, steels, and refractory metals.
Embrittlement 脆化 The loss of ductility or fracture toughness of materials, either during processing or in service. The severe loss of ductility or toughness or both, of a material, usually a metal or alloy. Many forms of embrittlement can lead to brittle fracture. Many forms can occur during thermal treatment or elevated-temperature service (thermally induced embrittlement). Some of these forms of embrittlement, which affect steels, include blue brittleness, 885 °F (475 °C) embrittlement, quench-age embrittlement, sigma-phase embrittlement, strain-age embrittlement, temper embrittlement, tempered martensite embrittlement, and thermal embrittlement. In addition, steels and other metals and alloys can be embrittled by environmental conditions (environmentally assisted embrittlement). The forms of environmental embrittlement include acid embrittlement, caustic embrittlement, corrosion embrittlement, creep-rupture embrittlement, hydrogen embrittlement, liquid metal embrittlement, neutron embrittlement, solder embrittlement, solid metal embrittlement, and stress-corrosion cracking.
Constant life diagram 恒定寿命图 A plot of experimentally derived fatigue-life data; perhaps the most complex and complete of the popular charts used to represent such data.
Critical load (Unit N) 临界负荷(单位N) 1. The applied load that causes propagation of an existing crack of known length, and hence fracture of a component or structure. 2. The applied load that results in buckling of a column of given end fixity.
Breaking stress 断裂应力 The stress at failure. Also known as rupture stress.
Compressor 压缩机 A turbomachine, of either axial or radial type, that increases the pressure of a gas or vapour.
Erosion 侵蚀 Progressive loss of original material from a solid surface due to mechanical interaction between that surface and a fluid, a multicomponent fluid, or impinging liquid or solid particles.
Seal 密封件 A component which controls or prevents leakage of fluids into or out of parts of a machine.
Box annealing 箱式退火 Annealing a metal or alloy in a sealed container under conditions that minimize oxidation. In box annealing a ferrous alloy, the charge is usually heated slowly to a temperature below the transformation range, but sometimes above or within it, and is then cooled slowly; this process is also called close annealing or pot annealing.
Bearing stress 承受应力 The force per unit of bearing area.
Accelerated testing 加速测试 A type of testing, for rates of wear, fatigue, corrosion etc., in which failure times are reduced by employing greater loads, more frequent power cycling, higher vibration levels, higher humidity, higher temperatures, greater potential differences etc. than would be encountered in normal operation.
Pressure-relief valve 减压阀 A valve that limits the maximum pressure in a pressure vessel or fluid-power system to a specified level.
Gasket stress 垫片应力 The contact stress exerted on the gasket by the joint members.
Compressor blades 压缩机叶片 The aerofoil-shaped vanes that form the rotor(s) and stator(s) of an axial-flow compressor. The aerodynamic design is more critical than is the case for turbine blades because there is an increase in pressure across each row of blades. The arrows in the diagram indicate the flow direction relative to the blades.
Angularity 角度 The underfaces of the nut and the bolt head should be exactly perpendicular to the thread or shank axes. If the angle between the face and the axis is, for example, 868 or 948, the fastener is said to have an angularity of 48 (sometimes called Perpendicularity).
Acid rain 酸雨 Any form of precipitation, including rain, snow, sleet, fog, dew, and particulates, which contains higher than normal levels of sulfuric and nitric acids. These acids result from natural and man-made emissions of sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, respectively. Acid soot consists of unburned carbon particles, typically larger than 10 μm, in the atmosphere contaminated with sulfuric acid. The particles result from poor combustion of fossil fuels.
Hydrogen-induced delayed cracking 氢致延迟开裂 A term sometimes used to identify a form of hydrogen embrittlement in which a metal appears to fracture spontaneously under a steady stress less than the yield stress. There is usually a delay between the application of stress (or exposure of the stressed metal to hydrogen) and the onset of cracking. Also referred to as static fatigue.
Terminal temperature difference (Unit K) 终端温差(单位K) The temperature difference between the two fluid streams at either inlet or outlet of a heat exchanger.
Torr 托尔 A non-SI unit of pressure commonly used in vacuum systems; defined by 760 torr = 1 atm so that 1 torr = 133.322 368 4 Pa, and approximately equivalent to the pressure corresponding to 1 mm of mercury.
Prying 撬动 The magnification of an External load by a pseudolever action when that load is an Eccentric tensile load.
Hysteresis 滞后 The phenomenon of permanently absorbed or lost energy that occurs during any cycle of loading or unloading when a material is subjected to repeated loading.
Angle of attack (α) 攻角(α) (Unit °) The angle between a reference line on a lifting body and the vector direction of the relative velocity between the body and the fluid through which it is moving. In the case of an aerofoil, turbine, or compressor blade, the usual reference line is the chord line.
Checks 检查 Numerous, very fine cracks in a coating or at the surface of a metal part. Checks may appear during processing or during service and are most often associated with thermal treatment or thermal cycling.
Scale height (Unit m) 刻度高度(单位:m) The altitude H at which the atmospheric pressure has decreased to a certain fraction of its value at sea level B. It depends on the model adopted for the atmosphere: for an isothermal atmosphere, the pressure decreases exponentially with altitude. If H is taken as the altitude at which the pressure has fallen to B/e, then H = RT/g where R is the gas constant for air, T is the absolute temperature T, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
Core 核心 In a ferrous alloy prepared for case hardening, that portion of the alloy that is not part of the case . Typically considered to be the portion that (a) appears light on an etched cross section, (b) has an essentially unaltered chemical composition, or (c) has a hardness, after hardening, less than a specified value.
Belt drive 带传动 Transmission of motion from one shaft to another by means of a continuous plain, or toothed, flexible band (belt) passing over pulleys. In contrast to chain drives, belt drives tend to be employed in low-torque applications. Reduction in transmissible power may occur due to stretch of a plain transmission belt which results in slack in the drive (belt creep) or slip of a belt on a driving or driven pulley (belt slip).
Bolt blank 螺栓毛坯 A rod on which a head has been formed, but on which no thread has been cut, from which bolts or screws may be made as required.
Design load (Unit N) 设计荷载(单位N) The greatest load that a component or structure is expected to experience under normal operating conditions.
Absolute stability 绝对稳定 Condtion of a linear system in which there exists a limiting value of the open-loop gain such that the system is stable for all lower values of that gain, and unstable for all higher values.
Dew point analyzer 露点分析仪 An atmosphere monitoring device that measures the partial pressure of water vapor in an atmosphere.
Pitch (Unit m) 间距(单位:m) 1. In a cascade of identical turbine or compressor blades, the distance between successive blades measured parallel to the leading edges. 2. For a screw thread, the distance between adjacent thread forms measured parallel to the thread axis. 3. For an aircraft, the vertical relationship between the nose and the horizon. The pitch axis is an axis in the plane of the wings of an aircraft, perpendicular to the centreline, about which the aircraft rotates. Pitch motion is the corresponding up or down movement of the aircraft nose. Pitch attitude is the angle between the centreline of an aircraft and the horizontal. The angle is positive when the nose is above its position when the centreline is horizontal.
Maximum stress (Smax) 最大应力(Smax) The stress having the highest algebraic value in the stress cycle, tensile stress being considered positive and compressive stress negative. The nominal stress is used most commonly.
Turbomachine 涡轮机械 (rotodynamic machine) A machine in which there is a transfer of energy between a continuous stream of fluid and a component, called a rotor, rotating about a fixed axis. Fans and turbines (gas, hydraulic, steam, or wind) are turbomachines in which energy is transferred to the rotor, causing it to rotate. Pumps and compressors are turbomachines in which energy is transferred from the externally driven rotor to the fluid.
Anneal to temper 退火回火 A final partial anneal that softens a cold worked nonferrous alloy to a specified level of hardness or tensile strength.
Relative density 相对密度 (specific gravity) The ratio of the density of a substance to that of a reference substance, such as water for liquids and solids, and dry air for gases.
Cleavage 分裂 The tendency of a material to cleave or split along definite crystallographic planes.
Coil spring 螺旋弹簧 A spiral (‘clockwork’) or helical (cylindrical) spring. A spring steel wire wound in a spiral pattern.
Minimum load (Pmin) 最小负载(Pmin) In fatigue, the least algebraic value of applied load in a cycle.
Alpha iron 阿尔法铁 The body-centered cubic form of pure iron, stable below 910 °C (1670 °F).
Dynamic strain aging 动态应变时效 A behavior in metals in which solute atoms are sufficiently mobile to move toward and interact with dislocations. This results in strengthening over a specific range of elevated temperature and strain rate.
Vacuum pump 真空泵 A pump for exhausting air and non-condensable gases from a vessel to be maintained at sub-atmospheric pressure. The pirani and thermal-conductivity gauges are vacuum gauges used to measure the absolute pressure within a vacuum system (vacuum level), usually expressed in torr or Pa.
Absorption hygrometer 吸收式湿度计 An instrument that determines the content of water vapour in the atmosphere by it being absorbed into a hygroscopic medium.
Verification 检验 Checking or testing an instrument to ensure conformance with a specification.
Stud 螺柱 A rod having thread on both ends. A headless threaded fastener, threaded on both ends, with an unthreaded body in the middle section, or threaded from end to end. Used with two nuts, or with one nut and a tapped hole. A plain cylindrical piece having a threaded portion of suitable length at each end or a continuous thread over the entire length. One end is screwed into a machine or workpiece after which a second part is placed over the stud and held in place by a nut.
Plastic deformation 塑性变形 The permanent (inelastic) distortion of a material under applied stress that strains the material beyond its elastic limit.
Transfer ratio 传输比 (transfer constant) A complex variable representing the ratio between the output of a transducer and the input causing that output.
Crack-extension force (G) 裂纹扩展力(G) The elastic energy per unit of new separation area that would be made available at the front of an ideal crack in an elastic solid during a virtual increment of forward crack extension.
Oxidative wear 氧化磨损 A type of wear resulting from the sliding action between two metallic components that generates oxide films on the metal surfaces. These oxide films prevent the formation of a metallic bond between the sliding surfaces, resulting in fine wear debris and low wear rates.
Absolute zero 绝对零度 Temperature of -273.16″C or 459.69″F or OK at which molecular motion vanishes and a body has no heat energy.
Zone melting (zone refining) 区域熔炼(区域精炼) A process of purification of materials in which a narrow molten zone is moved along the length of the material, resulting in impurities being segregated at one end.
Computed path control 计算路径控制 In CNC or robotics, the use of a control program to determine the required path for the tool or end effector. This required path forms the set points for the motor controllers moving the machine tool or robot.
Surface tension (σ, γ) (Unit N/m) 表面张力(σ,γ)(单位:N/m) At the interface between a liquid and a gas or two immiscible liquids, unbalanced cohesive forces acting on the liquid molecules at the interface lead to the property surface tension which causes tensile forces to develop as if it were a skin or membrane.
Roughness 粗糙度 The deviations from the wavy surface itself, caused by geometry of the cutting tool and its wear, machining conditions, microstructure of the workpiece, vibrations in the system, and so on. Surface roughness changes as a surface goes through the wearing-in process, but may then stabilize.
Load range, P 负载范围P In fatigue, the algebraic difference between the maximum and minimum loads in a fatigue cycle.
Quench hardening 淬火硬化 (1) Hardening suitable alpha-beta alloys (most often certain copper to titanium alloys) by solution treating and quenching to develop a martensitic-like structure. (2) In ferrous alloys, hardening by austenitizing and then cooling at a rate such that a substantial amount of austenite transforms to martensite.
Pressure tap 测压口 A small hole in the wall of a pipe or pressure vessel to which is attached a tube, the other end of which is connected to one side of a pressure transducer.
Young’s modulus 杨氏模量 A term used synonymously with modulus of elasticity. The ratio of tensile or compressive stresses to the resulting strain.
Centre of pressure 压力中心 1. The location, on an aerofoil or other body that develops lift, of the resultant lift force. 2. The location, on a surface submerged in a liquid, of the resultant force due to the pressure acting on the surface. Because hydrostatic pressure increases with depth, the centre of pressure is generally below the centroid of the surface.
Elastic strain energy 弹性应变能 The energy expended by the action of external forces in deforming a body elastically. Essentially, all the work performed during elastic deformation is stored as elastic energy, and this energy is recovered upon release of the applied force.
Vibration isolation 隔振 The prevention of transmission of vibration from one component of a system to another part of the same system, such as a building or other structure. Isolation may be achieved using dampers (vibration damping) or by active feedback-control methods. Mechanical vibration is often attenuated by means of components immersed in oil such as in dashpots (viscous damping). Vibration suppression can be achieved (a) using dampers and absorbers tuned to a particular frequency to suppress vibratory forces in structures and other systems (passive suppression) or (b) by the measurement of vibration at key locations in a structure and the application of  cancellation forces (active suppression).
Meyer hardness (Unit Pa) 迈耶硬度(单位Pa) A material hardness similar to the Brinell hardness but based upon the projected area of the impression rather than the surface area.
Dynamic hardness 动态硬度 (rebound hardness) The resistance of a material to local indentation by a rapidly-moving rigid indenter. In most practical methods the indenter is allowed to fall under gravity on to the surface of the material when the rebound height is a measure of the dynamic hardness.
Closed-die forging 闭模锻造 The forming of a workpiece by compression within a pair of dies having the female form of the component to be manufactured (closed dies), superfluous metal being expelled as flash where the dies meet.
Tension, bolt 螺栓张力 Tension (tensile stress) created in the bolt by assembly preloads and=or such things as thermal expansion, service loads, etc.
Oxidation 氧化 (1) A reaction in which there is an increase in valence resulting from a loss of electrons. (2) A corrosion reaction in which the corroded metal forms an oxide; usually applied to reaction with a gas containing elemental oxygen, such as air.
Scuffing 擦伤 A form of adhesive wear that produces superficial scratches or a high polish on the rubbing surfaces. It is observed most often on inadequately lubricated parts.
Solenoid 螺线管 A coil of electrically-conducting wire wrapped around a metal core, typically iron, to produce a magnetic field and hence a force on the core when an electric current passes through the coil. Solenoids are widely used to produce linear movement to actuate valves (solenoid valves) and other devices.
Design code 设计规范 (design standard) A standard or specification for any aspect of engineering design, issued by national organizations such as ANSI, ASME, BSI, DIN, and ISO.
Vibration 振动 1. A periodic change with time of the displacements of elements making up a component or structure. 2. The study of the oscillatory motion of bodies and systems and the frequencies, amplitudes, and forces associated with them.
Graham’s laws 格雷厄姆定律 The laws stating that the rates of diffusion and effusion of a gas are inversely proportional to the square root of its density.
Total carbon 总碳 The sum of the free and combined carbon (including carbon in solution) in a ferrous alloy.
Metre (m) 米(m) The base unit of length in the SI system. It is equal to the distance travelled by light in vacuum in 1/299 792 458 seconds.
Scragging machine 刮擦机 1. A machine to test springs by impulsive loading 2. A machine to increase the service life of coil springs by compressing them to their minimum solid length before use, thereby inducing favourable residual stresses.
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) 应力腐蚀开裂(SCC) A common form of Stress cracking in which an Electrolyte encourages the growth of a crack in a highly stressed bolt. Only a tiny quantity of electrolyte need be present, at the tip or face of the crack. A time-dependent process in which a metallurgically susceptible material fractures prematurely under conditions of simultaneous corrosion and sustained loading at lower stress levels than would be required in the absence of a corrosive environment. Tensile stress is required at the metal surface and may be a residual stress resulting from heat treatment or fabrication of the metal or the result of external loading. Cracking may be intergranular or transgranular, depending on the combination of alloy and environment.
Junker machine 容克机 A test machine, first proposed by Gerhard Junker, for testing the vibration resistance of fasteners.
由Gerhard Junker首次提出的测试机,用于测试紧固件的抗振性。
Torque wrench 扭矩扳手 A manual wrench which incorporates a gage or measuring apparatus of some sort to measure and display the amount of torque being delivered to the nut or bolt. All wrenches produce torque. Only a torque wrench tells how much torque. A socket wrench or ring spanner that can be set to allow a specific torque to be applied to a nut or bolt head.
Oxidized surface (on steel) 氧化表面(在钢上) Surface having a thin, tightly adhering, oxidized skin (from straw to blue in color), extending in from the edge of a coil or sheet. Sometimes called annealing border.
Differential heating 差动加热 Heating that intentionally produces a temperature gradient within an object such that, after cooling, a desired stress distribution or variation in properties is present within the object.
Hot-wire analyzer 热电阻丝型分析仪 An electrical atmosphere analysis device that is based on the fact that the electrical resistivity of steel is a linear function of carbon content over a range from 0.05% C to saturation. The device measures the carbon potential of furnace atmospheres (typically). This term is not to be confused with the hot-wire test which measures heat extraction rates.
Liquid carburizing 液体渗碳 Surface hardening of steel by immersion into a molten bath consisting of cyanides and other salts.
Wave spring 波形弹簧 A type of compression spring, similar to a coil spring, but made of strip shaped into waves around the circumference.
Thermal shock 热冲击 The development of a steep temperature gradient and accompanying high stresses within a structure.
Air compressor 空气压缩机 A turbomachine that draws in air and delivers it at higher pressure, temperature, and density. It can be of axial, fan, reciprocating, or rotary design.
Standard gauge 标准量规 A highly-accurate reference gauge against which to check working gauges.
Ideal critical diameter 理想临界直径 (DI). Under an ideal quench condition, the bar diameter that has 50% martensite at the center of the bar when the surface is cooled at an infinitely rapid rate (that is, when H = ∞, where H is the quench severity factor).
(DI)在理想淬火条件下,当表面以无限快的速度冷却时(即H=∞, 其中H是淬火严重度因子)。
Pressure (p) (Unit Pa) 压力(p)(单位Pa) In thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, the compressive force exerted by the fluid per unit area. The pressure exerted by a fluid on a surface acts normal to the surface.
Cathode 阴极 That electrode in a battery or corrosion cell which attracts electrons.
Ferritic decarburization 铁素体脱碳 Decarburization with sufficient loss of carbon to cause a lighter shade of tempered martensite and a significantly lower hardness than that of the adjacent base metal, with the presence of ferrite grains or grain boundary network under metallographic examination.
Galling 磨损 An extreme form of adhesive wear, in which large chunks of one part stick to the mating part (during sliding contact).
Thread milling 螺纹铣削 Thread milling is a method of cutting screw threads with a milling cutter in a thread mill. Thread milling cutters are either single form or multiple form and are used in either conventional or planetary thread mills.
Dead load (Unit N) 静载(单位N) A load on a component or structure that is steady with time, e.g. the self-weight of a bridge.
Guided bend 导向弯曲 The bend obtained by use of a plunger to force the specimen into a die in order to produce the desired contour of the outside and inside surfaces of the specimen.
Scratching 刮擦 In tribology, the mechanical removal or displacement, or both, of material from a surface by the action of abrasive particles or protuberances sliding across the surfaces.
Compressor bleed 压缩机排气 The removal of air before the final stage of a multistage compressor operating below design speed, to prevent the final stage from choking.
Structural engineering 结构工程 A branch of civil engineering concerned with the design of buildings, dams, bridges, and other large structures.
Translational joint 平移铰 A robot joint where the controlled variable is straight line movement.
Elastic energy 弹性能 The amount of energy required to deform a material within its elastic range of behavior, neglecting small heat losses due to internal friction. The energy absorbed by a specimen per unit volume of material contained within the gage length being tested. It is determined by measuring the area under the stress-strain curve up to a specified elastic strain. See also modulus of resilience and strain energy.
Density 密度 The mass per unit volume of a solid material. (mass density, ρ) (Unit kg/m³) The mass per unit volume of a substance that satisfies the continuum assumption. The reciprocal of specific volume.
Concentration ratio 浓度比 For a concentrating solar collector, the ratio of the projected area of the concentrator facing the solar beam to the actual area of the receiver.
Working pressure (Unit Pa) 工作压力(单位Pa) The pressure at which a pressure vessel, such as a boiler, is designed to operate under normal conditions.
Minute (min) 分钟(min) A non-SI unit of time. The conversion to SI is 1 min = 60 s.
Pressure surface 压力面 The high-pressure surface of an aerofoil, turbine, or compressor blade. In normal aircraft applications, this is the lower surface of a wing. For applications, such as to high-performance motor vehicles, where the aerofoil is inverted to generate downforce, it is the upper surface.
Case 包盖 That portion of a ferrous alloy, extending inward from the surface, whose composition has been altered so that it can be case hardened. Typically considered to be the portion of the alloy (a) whose composition has been measurably altered from the original composition, (b) that appears dark on an etched cross section, or (c) that has a hardness, after hardening, equal to or greater than a specified value. Contrast with core.
Cycle annealing 循环退火 An annealing process employing a predetermined and closely controlled time-temperature cycle to produce specific properties or microstructures.
Yield point (Unit Pa) 屈服点(单位Pa) The first stress in a material, usually less than the maximum attainable stress, at which an increase in strain occurs without an increase in stress. Only certain metals—those which exhibit a localized, heterogeneous type of transition from elastic to plastic deformation—produce a yield point. If there is a decrease in stress after yielding, a distinction may be made between upper and lower yield points. The load at which a sudden drop in the flow curve occurs is called the upper yield point. The constant load shown on the flow curve is the lower yield point. (yield strength, yield stress, Rel, Rel) The stress at which the onset of permanent (plastic) deformation (yielding) occurs in a body under increasing loading. In some materials, a yield-point phenomenon occurs in which stress falls on initial yielding and plastic deformation continues without increase in stress as strain increases further. The yield criterion is the combination of normal and shear stresses which produces yielding under multiaxial loading.
Size dimension (Unit m) 尺寸范围(单位:米) The specified value of a diameter, length, width, etc. of a feature required to specify the finished form of a component or assembly.
Fastener identification marking 紧固件识别标记 A stamp, paint, or other permanent identifier that may include manufacturer information and applicable grade markings for certification purposes.
Repeatability 重复性 A term used to refer to the test-result variability associated with a limited set of specifically defined sources of variability within a single laboratory.
Eutectic melting 共晶熔化 Melting of localized microscopic areas whose composition corresponds to that of the eutectic in the system.
Temper color 回火颜色 A thin, tightly adhering oxide skin that forms when steel is tempered at a low temperature, or for a short time, in air or a mildly oxidizing atmosphere. The color, which ranges from straw to blue depending on the thickness of the oxide skin, varies with both tempering time and temperature.
Slip 滑落 Plastic deformation by the irreversible shear displacement (translation)of one part of a crystal relative to another in a definite crystallographic direction and usually on a specific crystallographic plane. Sometimes called glide.
Width across flats 平面宽度 A principal dimension of nuts, or of bolt heads. Work hardening The slight increase in hardness and strength produced when a body is loaded past its yield point. Also called strain hardening.
Crank angle (Unit °) 曲柄角度(单位°) The angle between the crank of a slider-crank mechanism and a line from the crankshaft centreline to the piston axis.
Alloy 合金 1. A metallic material composed of two or more elements, one of which is usually a metal to which the other elements are added, e.g. iron-carbon or aluminium-copper (binary alloy); nickel-chromium-iron (ternary alloy). 2. A plastic produced as a blend of two or more immiscible polymers. This results in material that cannot be achieved by polymerization.
Batch 一批 A definite quantity of some product or material produced under conditions that are considered uniform. A batch is usually smaller than a lot.
Inch (in) 英寸(in) A non-SI unit of length now defined as 25.4 mm. The conversion to SI is 1 in = 2.54 × 10−2 m.
Notch ductility 缺口延展性 The percentage reduction in area after complete separation of the metal in a tensile test of a notched specimen.
Stress-strain diagram 应力-应变图 A graph in which corresponding values of stress and strain are plotted against each other. Values of stress are usually plotted vertically(ordinates or y-axis) and values of strain horizontally (abscissas or xaxis). Also known as deformation curve and stress-strain curve.
Hot shortness 热脆性 The reduction of ductility in steels at high temperatures caused by melting of sulfides that wet grain boundaries and spread along them.
Engine emissions 发动机排放 (exhaust emissions) The pollutants contained in the exhaust gases from an internal-combustion engine.
Preheating 预热 Heating before some further thermal or mechanical treatment. For tool steel, heating to an intermediate temperature immediately before final austenitizing. For some nonferrous alloys, heating to a high temperature for a long time, to homogenize the structure before working. In welding and related processes, heating to an intermediate temperature for a short time immediately before welding, brazing, soldering, cutting, or thermal spraying.
Partial annealing 不完全退火 An imprecise term used to denote a treatment given cold-worked material to reduce the strength to a controlled level or to effect stress relief. To be meaningful, the type of material, the degree of cold work, and the time-temperature schedule must be stated.
Vibration-testing machine (vibrator) 振动试验机(振动器) Any machine that subjects components or systems to vibration at known amplitudes and frequencies in order to determine the response. vibratory equipment Vibrating process equipment, such as shakers, used to separate small and large particles, or feeders to supply particulate or granular material that may otherwise clog.
Carbon restoration 碳修复 Replacing the carbon lost in the surface layer from previous processing by carburizing this layer to substantially the original carbon level. Sometimes called recarburizing.
Cavitation-resistance inducer 抗气蚀诱导剂 An axial-flow pump used upstream of a main pump in order to prevent cavitation in the latter by increasing the inlet head.
Q-factor 品质因素 (quality factor, sharpness of resonance) A non-dimensional parameter that describes, for a given resonant mode, the sharpness of the peak in the frequency response of a lightly-damped linear oscillator: Q = ωRES/Δω where ωRES is the resonance frequency and Δω is the half-power bandwidth of the resonance. It is inversely related to the damping such that a broad peak corresponds to high damping and a narrow peak to low damping.
Centrifugal fan 离心风机 A machine with a rotor consisting of a number of blades mounted around a hub and used for moving air or other gases. The gas enters the rotor axially and is discharged radially at increased pressure.
Thermoelectric material 热电材料 A material in which any of the thermoelectric phenomena, such as the Peltier, Seebeck, and Thomson effects, are especially strong.
Boyle’s law 波义耳定律 The product of the pressure of a gas p and its volume is constant at a given absolute temperature T. Together with Charles law, it yields the ideal gas equation p = Mrt where m is the mass of gas and R is the specific gas constant. The volume of a gas at constant temperature is inversely proportional to the pressure. This means that as pressure increases, the volume of a gas decreases.
Ball mill 球磨机 A mill for grinding and pulverizing materials, consisting of a horizontal rotating drum containing loose steel or ceramic balls.
Transmission 传输 The system that transmits power and torque from a power source; for example a shaft, belts and pulleys, or a gear train. In the case of a motor vehicle, it includes the gearbox, clutch, propeller shaft, differential and final drive shafts.
Sampling frequency (Unit Hz) 采样频率(单位Hz) (sampling rate) The number of measurement samples per unit time taken from a continuous analogue signal to produce a discrete signal. It is the inverse of the time between successive measurements (sampling interval, sampling period, or sampling time).
Cavitation tunnel 空泡试验筒 A closed-circuit recirculating water tunnel in which the static pressure can be reduced to sufficiently low levels for cavitation studies to be performed.
Torque control 扭矩控制 A system of optimizing rotor speed for a variable-speed wind turbine by controlling the torque demands of the generator.
Stress distribution 应力分布 The manner in which tensile, compressive, and shear stresses are distributed within a loaded body, indicated by loci of constant stress.
Collapse load (Unit N) 毁坏荷载(单位N) The applied load at which a structure becomes a mechanism owing to the formation of sufficient plastic hinges for collapse to occur.
Tension testing 张力测试 A method of determining the behavior of materials subjected to uniaxial loading, which tends to stretch the metal. A longitudinal specimen of known length and diameter is gripped at both ends and stretched at a slow, controlled rate until rupture occurs. Also known as tensile testing.
Half nut 半螺母 A mechanism attached to the apron of a lathe and operated by a lever. The lever opens and closes a nut that has been split lengthwise so that the two halves of the nut can be closed upon the lead screw when threads are being cut. Also called Split Nut.
Clevis joint U形接头 A joint formed by two parallel cantilever beams pressed upon a component between the beams.
Air cleaner 空气净化器 A device, such as a filter, hydrocyclone, or electrostatic precipitator, that removes particles and aerosols from a flow of air.
Full hard 全硬化 A temper of nonferrous alloys and some ferrous alloys corresponding approximately to a coldworked state beyond which the material can no longer be formed by bending. In specifications, a full hard temper is commonly defined in terms of minimum hardness or minimum tensile strength (or, alternatively, a range of hardness or strength) corresponding to a specific percentage of cold reduction following a full anneal. For aluminum, a full hard temper is equivalent to a reduction of 75% from dead soft ; for austenitic stainless steels, a reduction of about 50 to 55%.
Hardness 硬度 A measure of the resistance of a material to surface indentation or abrasion; may be thought of as a function of the stress required to produce some specified type of surface deformation. There is no absolute scale for hardness; therefore, to express hardness quantitatively, each type of test has its own scale of arbitrarily defined hardness. Indentation hardness can be measured by Brinell hardness test, Rockwell hardness test, Vickers hardness test, Knoop hardness test, and the Scleroscope hardness test. The ability of a ductile material to resist permanent deformation. It is a measure of plastic flow properties determined principally by indentation testing, but scratch hardness and rebound hardness are also employed. hardness scales The different measures of hardness given by different tests, such as indentation pressure in the Brinell and in the Vickers hardness tests, and the different Rockwell hardness numbers.
Tensile stress (Unit Pa) 拉应力(单位Pa) A stress that causes two parts of an elastic body, on either side of a typical stress plane, to pull apart. A stress that tends to stretch a component, or local region of a component, when under load. In simple tension it results from the applied axial load, but tensile stresses occur in bending, torsion and other forms of loading.
Critical strain 临界应变 The strain just sufficient to cause recrystallization; because the strain is small, usually only a few percent, recrystallization takes place from only a few nuclei, which produces a recrystallized structure consisting of very large grains.
Gage length 标距 The original length of the portion of a specimen over which strain, change of length, or other characteristics are determined.
Full-size fastener 全尺寸紧固件 Finished fastener with a shank diameter of ds ≈ d or ds > d, or screw threaded to the head, or fully threaded stud.
Flame straightening 火焰矫直 Correcting distortion in metal structures by localized heating with a gas flame.
Bearing test 轴承测试 A method of determining the response to stress (load) of metal products that are subjected to riveting, bolting, or a similar fastening procedure. The purpose of the test is to determine the bearing strength of the material and to measure the bearing stress versus the deformation of the hole created by a pin or rod of circular cross section that pierces the sheet perpendicular to the surface.
Circlip 卡簧 (snap ring) An external or internal retaining ring that locates parts of circular cross section in an axial direction. It consists of an incomplete ring, with holes on either side of the gap, that may be expanded by a plier-like tool to pass into a groove in a shaft or contracted to pass into a groove in a bore.
Composite material 复合材料 (composite structure) A general term used of two or more materials or structures acting in combination (e.g. concrete, reinforced concrete, filamentreinforced polymers, laminated materials, particulate-reinforced materials, flitched beams), resulting in values of strength, stiffness, or toughness greater than the base matrix material alone.
Crystalline defects 结晶缺陷 The deviations from a perfect three-dimensional atomic packing that are responsible for much of the structure-sensitive properties of the materials. Crystal defects can be point defects (dislocations) or surface defects (vacancies), line defects (dislocations), or surface defects (grain boundaries).
Bainitic hardening 贝氏体硬化 Quench-hardening treatment resulting principally in the formation of bainite.
Slug 猛击 1. A starting workpiece for forging and similar operations, such as a length of wire or rod to make a bolt blank on which a thread can be rolled or cut. 2. (geepound) An obsolete imperial (non-SI) unit of mass, being the mass which under an acceleration of one foot per second squared gives a force of one pound-force. The conversion to SI is 1 slug = 14.593 902 94 kg. 3. A large-scale flow structure which occurs in the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in a pipe.
Constant-mesh gearbox 恒啮合齿轮箱 A gearbox in which the pairs of gears giving different speed ratios are constantly in mesh, different ratios being obtained by  connecting or disconnecting the relevant gear to the driving shaft.
Countersinking 埋头孔 The flaring out of the rim of a drilled hole to form a truncated conical depression to receive a screw having a conical head, thus giving a flush fitting.
Endurance 耐力 The capacity of a material to withstand repeated application of stress.
Lead of thread 螺纹导程 On a single threaded screw, the distance the screw or nut advances in one complete revolution.
Nanotechnology 纳米技术 The science and engineering of materials that have been structured on length scales of 1–100 nm, resulting in modified physical properties owing to changes in the ratio of surface area to volume (atoms on surfaces having different symmetry from those in the bulk) and because many of the fundamental physical processes that underpin the properties of materials have a characteristic length scale of a few nm, so that alteration of microstructure at the nm level alters the bulk properties.
Air-hardening steel 空气硬化钢 A steel containing sufficient carbon and other alloying elements to harden fully during cooling in air or other gaseous mediums from a temperature above its transformation range. The terms should be restricted to steels that are capable of being hardened by cooling in air in fairly large sections, about 2 in. (50 mm) or more in diameter. Same as self-hardening steel.
Precipitation-hardenable stainless steels 沉淀硬化不锈钢 Precipitation-hardenable stainless steels contain typically 11–18% chromium, 3–10% nickel, 0.05–0.2% carbon, and small additions of manganese, silicon, aluminium, molybdenum, niobium and titanium. These steels can be supplied in a solution-treated condition, which is readily fabricated or machined, and then hardened by an ageing treatment that produces a fine dispersion of second-phase precipitates. They are available in austenitic, semi-austenitic, and martensitic grades. Uses include springs, knives, and pressure vessels.
Toothed gearing 齿轮传动 In principle, friction between circular discs in tangential contact could be used to transmit rotation and power between shafts, but the power level would be very limited and the velocity ratio affected by slip. To make the drive positive, gear wheels are used instead in which teeth extend above and below the diameters (the pitch-circle diameters) of discs in ideal rolling contact. The diagram shows the nomenclature for spur gears, the simplest type of gearing between parallel shafts, which are cylindrical in shape with straight teeth parallel to the axis of rotation.
Screw feeder 螺旋给料机 A mechanism for handling bulk materials in which a rotating helicoidal screw moves the material axially forward. Similar to a screw conveyor, but required to discharge material at a controlled rate very accurately. It operates with the screw completely full.
Creep fatigue 蠕变疲劳 The effects of combined creep and fatigue at high homologous temperatures in metals, and in other materials such as polymers having time-dependent behaviour.
Coefficient of cubic expansion 立方膨胀系数 The fractional increase in volume per unit temperature rise.
Rockwell superficial hardness test 洛氏表面硬度试验 Same as Rockwell hardness test, except that smaller minor and major loads are used.
Decalescence 退色 A phenomenon, associated with the transformation of alpha iron to gamma iron on the heating (superheating) of iron or steel, revealed by the darkening of the metal surface owing to the sudden decrease in temperature caused by the fast absorption of the latent heat of transformation.
Millimetre of mercury 毫米汞柱 A non-SI unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted by a vertical column of mercury 1 mm high. Approximately equal to 133.3 Pa or 1 torr.
True strain 真应变  (1) The ratio of the change in dimension, resulting from a given load increment, to the magnitude of the dimension immediately prior to applying the load increment. (2) In a body subjected to axial force, the natural logarithm of the ratio of the gage length at the moment of observation to the original gage length. Also known as natural strain. Compare with engineering strain.
Dynamic recovery 动态恢复 A process occurring in hot working of metals in which a fine subgrain structure forms within the elongated grains due to annihilation of dislocations due to easy cross slip and climb. It results in a lowering of the flow stress. Dynamic recovery, as opposed to dynamic recrystallization that occurs in hot working, occurs in metals of high stacking fault energy such as aluminum, αiron, and most bcc metals.
Elastic resilience 弹性回弹 The amount of energy absorbed in stressing a material up to the elastic limit; or, the amount of energy that can be recovered when stress is released from the elastic limit.
Torque (T) (Unit N.m) 扭矩(T)(单位:N.m) The twisting moment, product of force and wrench length, applied to a nut or bolt (for example). The twisting moment of a force or couple about an axis which results in torsion.
Temper embrittlement 回火脆化 Brittleness that results when certain steels are held within, or are cooled slowly through, a certain range of temperature below the transformation range. The brittleness is manifested as an upward shift in ductile-to-brittle transition temperature but only rarely produces a low value of reduction in area in a smooth-bar tension test of the embrittled material. The anomalous reduction in toughness of martensitic stainless steels when tempered in the range 370–600°C. Embrittlement of alloy steels caused by holding within or cooling slowly through a temperature range just below the transformation range. Embrittlement is the result of the segregation at grain boundaries of impurities such as arsenic, antimony, phosphorus, and tin; it is usually manifested as an upward shift in ductile-to-brittle transition temperature. Temper embrittlement can be reversed by retempering above the critical temperature range, then cooling rapidly.
Shear test 剪切试验 Any of several tests to obtain shear strength of a metal. Common tests used on mill products include the double-shear test, single-shear test, the blanking shear test (also known as the punching shear test) and the torsion test.
Materials science 材料科学 The study of the properties, behaviour, and application of solid substances such as metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, composites, biomaterials, and semiconductors, at all scales from the atomic to the macroscopic. The topic has its origins in metallurgy.
Turret lathe 六角车床 A capstan lathe in which the capstan is driven mechanically or hydraulically to provide assigned tool paths to perform a specified sequence of operations in the repetitive production of parts.
Fit 装配 The general term used to signify the range of tightness which may result from the application of a specific combination of allowances and tolerances in the design of mating parts.
Transition metals 过渡金属 Metallic elements from groups (columns) 3 to 12 of the periodic table. They include important metals such as titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, zirconium, niobium, molybdenum, tantalum, tungsten, and the noble metals. They have either body-centred cubic, face-centred cubic, or hexagonal close-packed crystal structure at room temperature and have a wide range of mechanical and physical properties.
Frequency 频率 (temporal frequency, f) (Unit Hz) The number of cycles per second in an oscillation or the repetition rate for a cyclic process.
Liquid nitriding 液体氮化 A method of surface hardening in which molten nitrogen-bearing, fused-salt baths containing both cyanides and cyanates are exposed to parts at subcritical temperatures.
Shrink fit 过盈配合 A tight interference fit between two components resulting from heating an outer part and/or cooling an inner part to allow easy assembly. The outer component contracts on cooling, while the inner part expands on warming to ambient temperature, thus gripping the two parts together.
Compressed liquid 压缩液体 A liquid subjected to a pressure greater than the saturation pressure corresponding to its temperature.
Normal temperature and pressure (NTP) 常温常压(NTP) Reference conditions defined by NIST as 20°C and 1 atm.
Binary vapour cycle 二元蒸气循环 A power cycle which combines a steam cycle at relatively low temperature (the bottoming cycle) with a higher temperature cycle (the topping cycle) in which a working fluid such as mercury, sodium or potassium is used.
Heat tinting 热着色 Coloration of a metal surface through oxidation by heating to reveal details of the microstructure.
Concurrent engineering 并行工程 The integration of the procedures for product design, material selection and manufacturing method to include life-cycle analysis.
Tolerances 公差 A fractional allowance for variation from the specifications. In mass production, using automatic machines, parts are intended to be completely or partially interchangeable, and in batch production parts should ideally fit without the need for selection. In practice it is impossible for mass-produced parts to have exactly the same size, owing to tool wear, variations in raw materials, thermal effects, etc. In consequence, variations from exactness, termed tolerances, are assigned to what is permissible on the basic size.
Statistic 统计 A summary value calculated from the observed values in a sample.
Congruent transformation 全等变换 An isothermal or isobaric phase change in which both of the phases concerned have the same composition throughout the process.
Square thread 方螺纹 A form of screw thread in which the cross–section of the thread forms a square, making the width of the thread equal to the space between the threads.
Design stress (Unit Pa) 设计应力(单位Pa) The greatest allowable stress in a component or structure that will not result in failure under normal operating conditions.
Sample percentage 样本百分比 The percentage of observed values between two stated values of the variable under consideration. It is a point estimate of the percentage of the population between the same two stated values.
Drift pin 冲头 A round tapered steel pin used to align rivet holes so that the rivet will pass through the holes easily.
Lead angle 导角 The angle of the helix of a screw thread or worm thread. It is the measure of the inclination of a screw thread from a plane perpendicular to the axis of the screw.
Thermal reactor 热反应器 An enlarged exhaust manifold bolted directly to the cylinder head of a piston engine, in which the oxidation of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust gas is enhanced.
Fatigue limit for p % survival p%存活率的疲劳极限 The limiting value of fatigue strength for p%survival as the number of stress cycles becomes very large; pmay be any number, such as 95, 90, etc.
Closed system 封闭系统 A closed thermodynamic system consists of a fixed amount of mass. No mass can cross its boundary although energy can, in the form of work or heat, and its volume can change.
Slug wrench 缓动扳手 A box wrench with an anvil on the end of the handle. Torque is produced by striking the anvil with a sledge hammer.
Stress cycle 应力循环 The smallest segment of the stress-time function that is repeated periodically.
Fracture 断裂 (rupture) The separation of materials, components, or structures into two or more parts by the propagation of one or more cracks. Cracking may be globally elastic (brittle) or accompanied by varying degrees of plasticity (ductile).
Intercritical annealing 临界退火 Any annealing treatment that involves heating to, and holding at, a temperature between the upper and lower critical temperatures to obtain partial austenitization, followed by either slow cooling or holding at a temperature below the lower critical temperature.
Pressure difference (Unit Pa) 压差(单位Pa) (pressure differential, Δp) The difference between two pressures, one of which may be a reference pressure such as barometric pressure. In many flow processes, the pressure difference is more important than the absolute pressure level.
Alloy steels 合金钢 Steels that contain alloying elements such as chromium, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, silicon, tungsten, and vanadium. These are added to improve properties such as the hardenability, toughness, strength, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance compared with those of plain-carbon steel. Low-alloy steels have a total alloy content (including carbon) of less than about 8%. They are hardenable and have strength up to 30% higher than plain-carbon steels. High-alloy steels contain considerably more alloy content and are developed for specific properties such as superior corrosion and chemical resistance.
Crankshaft 曲轴 The main shaft, of which the cranks are a part, of a reciprocating single-or multi-cylinder machine. Crankshafts may be built up in sections or forged as a single component. In an engine, the reciprocating motion of the pistons transmits power to the crankshaft and causes it to rotate, whereas in a pump the crankshaft is driven and its rotation causes the pistons to reciprocate.
Ductile crack propagation 延性裂纹扩展 Slow crack propagation that is accompanied by noticeable plastic deformation and requires energy to be supplied from outside the body.
Lead screw 丝杠 The master screw running along the length of the bed of a lathe from which all screws threads on that machine are cut. Master screw used for cutting a screw thread in a lathe.
International System of Units 国际单位制 (SI system of units, Le Système international d’unités) The standard system of units now used almost universally in science and engineering except in the United States. The definitive reference on the SI is a booklet published by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, often referred to as the BIPM SI Brochure. There are seven base units: metre (symbol m) for length; kilogram (kg) for mass; mole (mol) for amount of substance; second (s) for time; kelvin (K) for temperature; ampere (A) for electric current; and candela (cd) for luminous intensity. New SI unit definitions, based upon the values of the universal constants of nature (also termed the fundamental physical constants: the Avogadro constant, the Boltzmann constant, and the Planck constant), came into effect on 20 May 2019. Minor adjustments were also made to the values of these constants. In addition to the base units, there are 22 coherent derived units, including radian (rad) for plane angle, steradian (sr) for solid angle, hertz (Hz) for frequency, newton (N) for force, pascal (Pa) for pressure, joule (J) for energy, work, and amount of heat, and watt (W) for power and radiant flux.  Recommended practice is to avoid combinations such as N/mm², MN/m² being preferred.(kg) for mass; mole (mol) for amount of substance; second (s) for time; kelvin (K) for temperature; ampere (A) for electric current; and candela (cd) for luminous intensity. New SI unit definitions, based upon the values of the universal constants of nature (also termed the fundamental physical constants: the Avogadro constant, the Boltzmann constant, and the Planck constant), came into effect on 20 May 2019. Minor adjustments were also made to the values of these constants. In addition to the base units, there are 22 coherent derived units, including radian (rad) for plane angle, steradian (sr) for solid angle, hertz (Hz) for frequency, newton (N) for force, pascal (Pa) for pressure, joule (J) for energy, work, and amount of heat, and watt (W) for power and radiant flux.  Recommended practice is to avoid combinations such as N/mm², MN/m² being preferred.
(国际单位制,Le Système international d\\\'unités)目前美国除外,在科学和工程中几乎是普遍使用的标准单位制。SI的最终参考是国际度量衡局出版的小册子,通常称为BIPM SI小册子。有七个基本单位:米(符号m)表示长度;质量为千克(kg);物质量的摩尔(mol);时间为秒;开尔文(K)表示温度;电流为安培(A);而坎德拉(cd)表示发光强度。新的国际单位制定义于2019年5月20日生效,该定义基于自然界的普遍常数(也称为基本物理常数:阿伏伽德罗常数、玻尔兹曼常数和普朗克常数)。这些常数的值也进行了少量调整。除了基本单位外,还有22个相干导出单位,包括平面角的弧度(rad)、立体角的斯特拉迪安(sr)、频率的赫兹(Hz)、力的牛顿(N)、压力的帕斯卡(Pa)、能量、功和热量的焦耳(J)以及功率和辐射通量的瓦特(W)。建议的做法是避免N/mm²、MN/m²等组合。
Stove bolt 炉用螺栓 This bolt has been so named because of its use in stove building. It is made in a number of different forms, either with a round button, or flat countersunk head, the head having a slot for a screwdriver and the threaded end being provided with a square or hexagon nut.
Springback 回弹 The extent to which metal tends to return to its original shape or contour after undergoing a forming operation.
Material velocity 材料速度 The velocity of sound in a body (e.g., a bolt). A term used in the ultrasonic measurement of bolt stress or strain.
Oxidizing agent 氧化剂 A compound that causes oxidation, thereby itself becoming reduced.
Hot quenching 热淬火 An imprecise term used to cover a variety of quenching procedures in which a quenching medium is maintained at a prescribed temperature above 70 °C (160 °F)
Radial wave equation 径向波动方程 A differential equation describing the transmission of a wave in a system with radial symmetry.
Black annealing 黑退火 Box annealing or pot annealing ferrous alloy sheet, strip, wire to impart a black color to the oxidized surface.
Tyre 轮胎 A flexible ring-shaped cover mounted on a wheel rim that supports the weight of a vehicle, such as a motor vehicle, aircraft, or bicycle, and transmits power and torque to a road surface. Some pneumatic tyres are inflated directly, others have a separate inner tube that is inflated. For certain applications, solid tyres are used.
Cold die quenching 冷模淬火 A quench utilizing cold, flat, or shaped dies to extract heat from a part. Cold die quenching is slow, expensive, and is limited to smaller parts with large surface areas.
Cone clutch 锥形离合器 A friction clutch in which an internal cone moves axially in or out of engagement with an external cone. One or both surfaces is lined with high-friction material.
Angle of torsion 扭转角 (angle of twist) (Unit ° or rad) The angle relative to a chosen section, normal to the axis of twist, through which another part of a component rotates when subjected to a torque.
V-belt 三角带 A drive belt having a trapezoidal cross section which runs in pulleys with V-shaped grooves. Higher torques can be transmitted than with a flat belt.
Self-locking nut 自锁螺母 A nut with an inherent locking action which minimizes loosening due to vibration. A self-locking screw locks itself in place without the need for a separate selflocking nut or lock washer.
Submerged-electrode furnace 浸入式电极炉 A furnace used for liquid carburizing of parts by heating molten salt baths with the use of electrodes submerged in the ceramic lining.
Gibbs–Dalton law 吉布斯-道尔顿定律 An extension of Dalton’s law of additive pressures to include the statement that the internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy of a mixture of gases are equal to the sum of the internal energies, enthalpies, and entropies the individual constituents would have if each existed alone at the same temperature and volume. Gibbs rule is that part of the law pertaining to entropy.
Shear 扭剪 The type of force that causes or tends to cause two contiguous parts of the same body to slide relative to each other in a direction parallel to their plane of contact.
Cavity radiator 空腔辐射器 A heated chamber having a small hole through which radiation, approximating blackbody radiation, passes out.
Spanner (wrench) 扳手 A tool for applying torque to tighten or loosen a nut, bolt, or screw. Grip is applied by a serrated ring or an open U-shape at the end of the tool. On imperial-size spanners, the BSW and BSF marking refers to the diameter of the screw thread; similarly for BA spanners. Spanners for unified and metric threads are marked with the distance across the flats (‘A/F’) of the nut or head of the bolt.
Impact wrench 冲击扳手 An air- or electric-powered wrench in which multiple blows from tiny hammers are used to produce output torque to tighten fasteners. A pneumatically-or electrically-powered socket wrench used to tighten or loosen nuts through the application of torque in a rapid series of impulses.
Turbine flow meter 涡轮流量计 (axial flow meter, propeller meter) An in-line flow meter in which the rotation speed N of a propeller or rotor is a measure of the mass flowrate ṁ. Calibration is always necessary but with appropriate design ṁ is closely proportional to N over a wide range.
(轴向流量计、螺旋桨流量计)一种串联流量计,其中螺旋桨或转子的转速N是质量流量的测量值ṁ. 校准总是必要的,但需要适当的设计ṁ在很宽的范围内与N成正比。
Rated power (Unit kW or hp) 额定功率(单位:千瓦或马力) (rated capacity, rated horsepower) The maximum power output that can be sustained continuously for any power-producing machine or system, such as an engine or a power plant.
Auxetic materials 拉胀材料 Those man-made materials for which Poisson’s ratio is negative, so that the cross section expands when subjected to a longitudinal tensile stress and contracts when subjected to a longitudinal compressive stress.
Sigma-phase embrittlement σ相脆化 Embrittlement of iron-chromium alloys (most notably austenitic stainless steels) caused by precipitation at grain boundaries of the hard, brittle intermetallic sigma phase during long periods of exposure to temperatures between approximately 565 and 980 °C (1050 and 1800 °F). Sigmaphase embrittlement results in severe loss in toughness and ductility and can make the embrittled material structure susceptible to intergranular corrosion.
Crack length (depth) (a) 裂纹长度(深度)(a) In fatigue and stress corrosion cracking, the physical crack size used to determine the crack growth rate and the stress-intensity factor. For the compact-type specimen, crack length is measured from the line connecting the bearing points of load application. For the center-cracked-tension specimen, crack length is measured from the perpendicular bisector of the central crack.
Turn-of-nut 转动螺母 Sometimes used to describe the general rotation of the nut (or bolt head) as the fastener is tightened. More often used to define a particular tightening procedure in which a fastener is first tightened with a preselected torque, and is then tightened further by giving the nut an additional, measured, turn such as ‘‘three flats’’ (180°).
Rivet 铆钉 A short rod with a head on one end that is inserted through aligned holes in plates to be joined, after which a second head is made on the protruding shank by hammering or forming. The most common head shapes are flat, domed, and inverse conical. In an array, the rivet pitch is the distance between the centres of adjacent rivets. Failure may occur by different mechanisms or modes. A one piece fastener consisting of a head and a body and used for fastening two or more pieces together by passing the body through a hole in each piece and then forming a second head on the body end. It cannot be removed except by taking off the head.
Superheating 过热 Heating above the temperature at which an equilibrium phase transformation should occur without actually obtaining the transformation.
Fatigue crack growth rate (da/dN) 疲劳裂纹扩展率(da/dN) The rate of crack extension caused by constant-amplitude fatigue loading, expressed in terms of crack extension per cycle of load application.
Latent heat 潜热 Thermal energy absorbed or released when a substance undergoes a phase change.
Sample standard deviation (s) 样本标准偏差(s) The square root of the sample variance. It is a point estimate of the population standard deviation, a measure of the “spread”of the frequency distribution of a population. This value of sprovides a statistic that is used in computing interval estimates and several test statistics. For small sample sizes, s underestimates the population standard deviation.
Materials selection 材料选择 The process of selecting the most suitable material for a particular application. In the case of solid materials, it involves assessment of candidate materials in terms of their physical properties (density, elastic moduli, fracture toughness, yield strength, hardness, fatigue resistance, coefficient of thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, resistance to thermal shock, creep resistance, corrosion resistance, radiation resistance, etc), and such factors as the function of the final product, its shape, method of manufacture, required tolerances, number to be made, ease of inspection and quality control, cost, and design methodology employed.
Fillet radius 圆角半径 Concave junction at two intersecting surfaces of a fastener. Often used to describe the junction between the head and the  shank of a threaded fastener (under head fillet).
Torsional stress 扭转应力 The shear stress on a transverse cross section resulting from a twisting action.
Deposit gauge 沉积量计 (deposition gauge) An instrument employed in air pollution studies for measuring the amount of pollutant deposited on a given area in a given time under given conditions.
Turbulent flow (turbulence) 湍流 Fluid motion characterized by disorderly, rotational (i.e. vortical) three-dimensional velocity fluctuations covering a wide range of frequency and length scales. The pressure, temperature, and other fluid properties also fluctuate and the diffusion of heat, mass, and momentum is greatly enhanced. As are laminar and transitional flow, turbulent flow of a Newtonian fluid is governed by the Navier–Stokes equations which can in principle be solved by direct numerical simulation (DNS) in which all time and length scales of the fluctuating motion are resolved.
Transformation toughening 相变增韧 The improvement of fracture toughness of a material by stress-induced transformation of the microstructure.
Sample median 样本中间值 The middle value when all observed values in a sample are arranged in order of magnitude. If an even number of samples are tested, the average of the two middlemost values is used. It is a point estimate of the population median, or 50% point.
Shear fracture 剪切断裂 A ductile fracture in which a crystal (or a polycrystalline mass)has separated by sliding or tearing under the action of shear stresses. Contrast with cleavage fracture.
Surface roughness (roughness) 表面粗糙度 The small-scale, irregular peaks and troughs in a solid surface which are quantified using a surface analyser. Roughness may be a consequence of wear and corrosion, or of the manufacturing process. It leads to increased friction in solid– solid contact or fluid flow over a surface. Errors of form and waviness are excluded, but surface texture includes roughness and waviness. Surface topography incorporates the small-scale, three-dimensional geometry of a surface including surface roughness, machined, and etched features, typically at sub-mm scales.
PSI (pounds per square inch) PSI(磅/平方英寸) Pressure measurement. Psia (pounds per square inch absolute) measures actual pressure with no allowance for atmospheric pressure. Psig (pounds per square inch gauge) measures pressure with the gauge set to zero (0) at atmospheric pressure (14.7 psia). In other words psig = psia – 14.7.
压力测量。Psia(绝对磅/平方英寸)测量实际压力,不考虑大气压力。Psig(磅/平方英寸表压)在大气压(14.7 psia)下,将表压设置为零(0)时测量压力。换句话说,psig=psia–14.7。
Tangent screw 微动螺旋 A worm screw used to adjust measuring instruments such as sextants and vernier callipers.
Median fatigue life 中位疲劳寿命 The middle value when all of the observed fatigue life values of the individual specimens in a group tested under identical conditions are arranged in order of magnitude. When an even number of specimens are tested, the average of the two middlemost values is used. Use of the sample median rather than the arithmetic mean (that is, the average) is usually preferred.
Fillister head 槽头 Similar to a pan head but with a smaller head diameter and a taller head, with higher vertical sides.
Water-jet cutting 水射流切割 Cutting of materials such as rock by means of a high-speed jet of water containing abrasive particles.
Ductile 延展性材料 (ductile material) Describes a material that can be deformed permanently to large strains without fracture. If a bolt can be stretched well past its yield point before breaking, it is said to be ductile.
Cap nut 盖型螺母 A nut with a blind threaded hole, for example a dome nut to cover the end of a bolt.
Coextrusion 复合挤压 The simultaneous extrusion through the same die of two or more materials in combination.
Thermochemical treatment 热化学处理 Heat treatment carried out in a medium suitably chosen to produce a change in the chemical composition of the object by exchange with the medium.
Engineering strain (e) 工程应变(e) A term sometimes used for average linear strain or conventional strain in order to differentiate it from true strain. In tension testing it is calculated by dividing the change in the gage length by the original gage length.
Torsional shaft vibration 扭轴振动 The rapid back-and-forth angular twisting along a rotating unbalanced shaft which reaches maxima at critical rotation speeds. Shaft eccentricity, unbalanced mass distribution, oscillatory torque, misalignment, etc. all influence torsional vibration.
Ratchet marks 棘轮痕 Lines on a fatigue fracture surface that result from the intersection and connection of fatigue fractures propagating from multiple origins. Ratchet marks are parallel to the overall direction of crack propagation and are visible to the unaided eye or at low magnification.
Dimension line 尺寸线 A line on an engineering drawing with a numeral above it that shows the length of a feature, usually in millimetres.
Vehicle 车辆 A means of conveyance for transporting goods and people, generally with wheels powered by a petrol, diesel, or steam engine, or by an electric motor, or by a hybrid combination of an electric motor and a diesel or petrol engine.
Significance level 显着性水平 The stated probability (risk) that a given test of significance will reject the hypothesis that a specified effect is absent when the hypothesis is true.
Kilogram (kg) 千克(kg) The base unit of mass in the SI system. It was previously defined as being equal to the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram, a right cylinder of height and diameter 39.17 mm made of an alloy of 90% (by mass) platinum and 10% iridium. From 20 May 2019 it has been defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant h to be 6.626 070 150 × 10−34 when expressed in the unit J.s, which is equal to kg.m².s.
Stress wave 应力波 An unbalanced force, such as an impact, applied at one location in a body sets the material there into vibration that is transmitted to adjacent elements and ultimately to all parts of the body in the form of stress waves or wave packets.
Calorie 卡路里 (cal, gram calorie, small calorie) An obsolete (i.e. non-SI) unit of energy equal to 4.186 8 J. It is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of pure airfree water from 14.5°C to 15.5°C at standard atmospheric pressure.
Hardening 硬化 Increasing hardness by suitable treatment, usually involving heating and cooling. When applicable, the following more specific terms should be used: age hardening, flame hardening, induction hardening, laser hardening, precipitation hardening, and quench hardening.
Thread form 螺纹形式 The cross-sectional shape of the threads, defining thread angle, root, and crest profiles, etc. Thread length Length of that portion of the fastener which contains threads cut or rolled to full depth.
Free machining 易切削 The property that makes machining easy because of the forming of small chips, a characteristic imparted to steel by sulfur, etc.
Impact strength 1. (Unit Pa) 冲击强度1.(单位Pa) The stress to cause failure (by yielding or fracture) under conditions of high strain rate. 2. (Unit J) A term sometimes used to describe the energy required to fracture a specimen in a Charpy or Izod impact test even though the unit is not that of strength.
Shank 螺杆 Portion of a bolt which lies under the head. 1. The stem of a tool, such as a broach, drill bit, reamer, or tap, which fits into a holder such as a chuck. 2. The stem of a rivet or the unthreaded part of a screw or bolt. 3. The shaft of a tool connecting the tip and the handle.
Stress factor 应力因子 A calibration constant used in ultrasonic measurement of bolt stress or strain. It is the ratio between the change in ultrasonic transit time caused by the change in length of the fastener, under load, to the total change in transit time.
Fastener specification 紧固件规格 A precise statement of set requirements to be satisfied by a fastener, its material, or its processing. It also indicates the procedure used to determine whether the requirements given are satisfied.