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沉頭槽銷 沉頭槽銷
GB /T 13829.9 - 2004 沉頭槽銷
Grooved Pins With Countersunk Head

沉頭槽銷 沉頭槽銷
GB /T 13829.3 (B) - 1992 沉頭槽銷
Grooved Pins With Countersunk Head

沉頭槽銷 A型和B型 沉頭槽銷 A型和B型
ISO 8747 - 1997 沉頭槽銷 A型和B型
Grooved Pins With Countersunk Head-A and B Style

沉頭槽銷 沉頭槽銷
DIN 1477 - 1978 沉頭槽銷
Countersunk Head Grooved Pins

沉頭槽銷 沉頭槽銷
DIN EN ISO 8747 - 1998 沉頭槽銷
Grooved Pins With Countersunk Head

米制沉頭槽銷Table9 米制沉頭槽銷Table9
ASME/ANSI B 18.8.100M - 2000 (R2005) 米制沉頭槽銷Table9
Metric series grooved pins with countersunk head

沉頭槽銷 沉頭槽銷
NF E 25-767 - 1997 沉頭槽銷
Grooved Pins With Countersunk Head

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