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半圓頭矮方頸螺栓 半圓頭矮方頸螺栓
JIS B 1171 - 2005 半圓頭矮方頸螺栓
Round Head Bolts With Short Square Neck

大半圓頭方頸螺栓 大半圓頭方頸螺栓
JIS B 1171 (Attached Table 1) - 1996 大半圓頭方頸螺栓
Cup head square neck bolts(Large size)

JIS B 1171 (Attached Table 3) - 1996 帶凹槽半圓頭方頸螺栓
Cup head square neck bolts(With indentation)

半圓頭低方頸馬車螺栓 半圓頭低方頸馬車螺栓
JIS B 1171 (Attached Table 2) - 1996 半圓頭低方頸馬車螺栓
Round head bolts with short square neck

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